🏆 Dinwiddie, Dallas, & Dancing

May 19, 2022 / 4:59 am

Underdog Fantasy


“We goin’ Sizz-ler, we goin’ Sizz-ler!”

“We goin’ Sizz-ler, we goin’ Sizz-ler!”


Super-hipster Dallas Braden + food truck + seeing his own jersey + low-key Fast Times reference = Tweet of the Day.

Tweet of the Day

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Shakira dancing in stilettos was trending, so we did the responsible thing and GIF’d it for the world.

Shakira dancing in stilettos was trending, so we did the responsible thing and GIF’d it for the world.

Shakira dancing in stilettos was trending on Twitter, so the question you should be asking is “why WOULDN’T we cut that into a GIF and share it with the world?” (Click here for the whole video, and you’re welcome.)


Dime of the Day




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